10 Strategies Real Estate Agents can Use to Gain More Likes on Facebook

Realtors can gain more fans on Facebook by creating killer Facebook Business Pages that are full of exciting and entertaining content. After looking at some of the most popular Facebook pages for real estate agents, I’ve put together the top 10 things I’ve observed a lot of successful agents do.

Bonus Content: Pick up an e-copy of our Social Media Field Guide for Real Estate Agents

It’s essential to remember that even if a page can boast many likes does not mean it’s getting lots of publicity. Before, the number of people who liked a page directly affected how often your posts appeared on Facebook’s News Feed. As the Facebook community has grown, so has the number of buy facebook likes. It’s not how big your site is that is important; It’s how you use it. Make sure you use it correctly, and your chances of seeing your content show up within your News Feed greatly increase. News Feeds are increased significantly.

Regarding the Facebook business Page, you have to be more intimate and less professional. I’ll inform you now that if only posts your posts are about the latest properties, pictures of homes you recently sold, or soliciting the business of others, you won’t see the level of engagement from your posts that you’d like to see.

What can an agent do? Here are ten tips you can implement as an agent for real estate to boost the activity on Your Facebook Page.

Provide valuable tips, tricks, and Articles

Anyone who has visited your Facebook page has an idea that you’re in the real estate business. But those who like your page are not necessarily looking to purchase or sell their house. Therefore, posting homes and details about mortgage rates isn’t pertinent. Instead, consider posting items that have to do with selling or buying homes. Do you find a fascinating post on Better Homes and Gardens website? Do you want to share it with others? You’re going to an art exhibit this weekend. Inform others about the event. However, please do not publish photos of your most recent home listings. It will get old quickly.

Change the Cover Image of Your Account for New Listings

However, I’m sure there’s an appropriate time and space to share some extraordinary homes you may have. Instead of posting about homes, why not replace the cover image with a fascinating picture of one of those properties? You could even change the description so that it has an URL for those interested in the property.

Begin to Use Instagram

While it isn’t technically Facebook but Facebook manages it. If you want to display your fantastic properties on the market, take a look at Instagram. Instagram is one of the ways you can use to upload pictures of your new listings to Facebook. However, remember to use it in moderation. For example, when you capture five updated pictures during the week of listings, add one of them to your page on Facebook.

Accept Vine (and Video in General)

The most popular items you can upload to Facebook pages are photos and videos. I’ll explain the short clip videos. Walking tours of your latest listing that’s six minutes long aren’t suitable. You can try an application known as Vine. It’s a YouTube-based app from Twitter that allows you to create 6-minute-long clips. It’s a fun method to show split-second video fragments that are stitched for you. We utilized Vine to rebrand our business from Promo Labs to Followers pro. Social media is all about being social, so keep in mind that there is no requirement that every post you share should be professionally-themed. Enjoy yourself and share your personality.

Feature Your News Letters

You put all the effort into creating your perfect newsletter, then emailed it out, and you were done. If you packed your newsletter with engaging content, you ought to give a bit of life to it by sharing it on Facebook. Therefore, if you include those newsletters on your site, share them on your business’s Facebook pages. If you’re a Followers Pro client, you know that your newsletters will be automatically posted on your Facebook page for you.

Do Like or Caption Contest for your photos.

In the past, up to August of 2013, you required an app from a third party for an event on Facebook. This is no longer the case. Two significant modifications are that you can organize an online contest in that people can participate by liking your post or post, or you can let a person participate in a contest by posting a comment on your post or your page. This is a fantastic option to generate lots of people to visit your page, like it, and engage for specific posts and photos. Be sure you keep up with the prize you’re giving and inform everyone who won when the contest ends.

Tags for Customer Photos

A very irritating thing that real estate agents could do is post pictures of their latest home closings on their websites. Your target audience isn’t aware of those people, and it’s been done enough that most people know it’s self-promotion. It’s fantastic exposure for your company, so alter the strategy slightly. Request your clients to ask them when they post their home pictures to Facebook to include you or your business’s page in the pictures. This is how they can enjoy their post on their Facebook page, and you are also included.

Pay to Promote

Let’s admit it. Many people use Facebook, and the only thing they saw in their new Feeds were business-related posts that didn’t make it as fun. But Facebook has bills to pay and to do that, and they’ve come up with some excellent tools to assist you in advertising your business and yourself. When you want to share something on your Facebook page (or go through the content of an earlier post), you’ll find the option of “Boost Post” below the text. You can click on it and choose your preferences for demographics. After 24 hours, your post will be displayed to thousands of people, including all those who have liked your profile. Simple enough.

Posting outside of business hours

While it’s logical to post to Facebook while at work, you must remember that there aren’t many people online simultaneously. Posting after 7 pm on weekends and early in the morning. Find out the times that work most effectively for you and your business. Don’t forget about weekends too.

Invite your email contacts and friends

One of the features built-in on Facebook pages are tab titled “Build Your Audience.” If you’re on your company page, you can click this drop-down menu to see two excellent options that allow you to invite email contacts or Invite Friends. The first is to connect your email address to your Facebook page by using one of their options and then send an invitation along with a personalized note. Make this only one time. For invitations to friends, you are welcome to gather your friend count from professional and personal acquaintances.

If you possess 100 or 10,000 likes on your page, the more you can convince them to interact with your posts (Like comments, like and click, or share) and the greater exposure the post will receive to the page’s users and their followers. The more inventive you are when you post your updates, the more attractive they are to users when they appear within the News Feed. Social media is supposed to be informative, exciting, and enjoyable. Be sure to stay active and enjoy!

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