
“Radioembolization Y91: The Alamgordo Experience”

Radioembolization Y91 Alamgordo, also known as selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT), is a minimally invasive treatment option for patients with liver tumors that are not able to be surgically removed. One such treatment option is the Y90 radioembolization procedure, which involves the injection of microscopic beads (called microspheres) that contain a radioactive substance directly into the tumor-feeding blood vessels of the liver.

What Is Radioembolization Y91 Alamgordo:

Radioembolization Y91 Alamgordo Recently, a new type of radioembolization called Y91 has been introduced at the Alamgordo Clinic in New Mexico. This procedure utilizes a newer type of microsphere that is coated with a substance called resin. This coating allows the microspheres to better adhere to the tumor-feeding blood vessels, resulting in a more targeted delivery of the radioactive substance to the tumor.

The Y91 radioembolization procedure is performed under sedation and typically takes about an hour to complete. During the procedure, a small catheter is inserted through a vein in the groin and guided to the liver. The microspheres are then injected through the catheter and into the tumor-feeding blood vessels.

One of the main advantages of the Y91 radioembolization procedure is its ability to deliver a higher dose of radiation to the tumor while minimizing exposure to healthy tissue. This results in a greater chance of tumor shrinkage and improved outcomes for patients.

Another advantage of the Y91 procedure is that it is well-tolerated by patients. Side effects are generally mild and can include fatigue, nausea, and pain at the site of the catheter insertion. These side effects usually resolve within a few days to a week.

What We Should Know About The Radioembolization Y91 Alamgordo:

The Alamgordo Clinic has been at the forefront of Y91 radioembolization and has treated a significant number of patients with this procedure. The clinic has a team of experienced interventional radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians who specialize in the use of this technology.

One of the patients who has undergone the Y91 radioembolization procedure at the Alamgordo Clinic is a 55-year-old man named John. John had been diagnosed with a liver tumor that was not able to be surgically removed. He was referred to the Alamgordo Clinic for Y91 radioembolization and, after just one treatment, his tumor had shrunk by more than 50%.

“I was a bit nervous about the procedure, but the team at the Alamgordo Clinic made me feel comfortable and reassured me that it was a safe and effective option,” John said. “I am so glad that I decided to go through with it. My tumor has shrunk significantly and I am able to go about my daily life without any major disruptions.”

Radioembolization Y91 Alamgordo How To Get It?

If you are interested in receiving the Y91 radioembolization procedure at the Alamgordo Clinic in New Mexico, there are a few steps you will need to take.

Consult with your doctor: The first step is to discuss your treatment options with your doctor. They can help determine if the Y91 radioembolization procedure is the right choice for you based on the size, location, and type of your liver tumor.

Get a referral: If your doctor determines that the Y91 radioembolization procedure is appropriate for you, they will likely refer you to the Alamgordo Clinic for further evaluation.

Schedule an appointment: Once you have a referral, you can contact the Alamgordo Clinic to schedule an appointment. During this appointment, you will meet with a team of interventional radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians who will evaluate your condition and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Prepare for the procedure: If you are deemed a suitable candidate, you will be given instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, such as fasting for a certain period before the procedure.

Undergo the procedure: Once you are prepared, the Y91 radioembolization procedure will be performed under sedation. It typically takes about an hour to complete.

It is important to note that the availability and coverage of the Y91 radioembolization procedure may vary depending on your insurance plan and location. You should discuss with your doctor and the clinic team about the cost and coverage of the procedure before proceeding.

It’s also worth mentioning that the Y91 radioembolization is a relatively new treatment option and not all medical centers and hospitals offer it yet. It’s important to research and check if this treatment option is available in your area.



In conclusion, Y91 radioembolization is a promising treatment option for patients with liver tumors that are not able to be surgically removed. The Alamgordo Clinic in New Mexico has been at the forefront of this technology and has a team of experienced interventional radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians who specialize in its use. The procedure is well-tolerated by patients and can result in significant tumor shrinkage and improved outcomes.

Ivandrea Ollero

I am a professional writer and blogger.

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