
Effective Strategies for Bird Control: Keeping Your Property Safe and Sanitary

Birds can be a beautiful and enjoyable part of our natural environment, but when they start to invade our properties, they can become a nuisance. Bird infestations can lead to property damage, health hazards, and a decrease in property value. So how can you effectively control bird populations on your property while keeping it safe and sanitary? In this article, we will discuss effective strategies for bird control, when to call a professional, and how to prevent future bird infestations.

Bird Control

a. Why Bird Control is Important

Bird control is essential for maintaining a safe and sanitary property. Birds can cause significant damage to buildings and structures, including roofs, gutters, and siding. Their droppings can also pose health risks, as they contain pathogens that can cause diseases such as histoplasmosis and salmonella. Additionally, bird infestations can attract other pests, such as insects and rodents, which can further damage your property and pose health risks.

b. Common Bird Control Methods

There are several bird control methods available, including:

Bird spikes:

These are long, narrow spikes that can be attached to ledges, rooftops, and other surfaces to prevent birds from landing and nesting.

Bird netting:

This is a mesh material that can be installed over areas where birds are likely to nest, such as eaves and vents.

Bird deterrents:

These include visual deterrents, such as reflective tape and scarecrows, and auditory deterrents, such as noise-making devices that mimic the sounds of predators.

Bird repellents:

Chemical repellents can be applied to surfaces to deter birds from landing and nesting.

c. Choosing the Right Method for Your Property

The best bird control method for your property will depend on the specific bird species you are dealing with, the extent of the infestation, and your property’s unique features. It may be necessary to use a combination of methods to effectively control bird populations on your property. Consulting with a professional bird control expert can help you determine the best course of action.

When to Call a Professional

a. Signs of a Serious Bird Infestation

While some bird activity on your property may be normal, there are signs that you may have a serious bird infestation that requires professional intervention. These signs include:

Large amounts of bird droppings on your property

Damage to your property, such as holes in siding or roofing materials

Persistent bird noises, such as chirping or squawking

Nests in hard-to-reach areas or within your property’s structure

b. The Benefits of Professional Bird Control

Professional bird control experts have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to effectively address bird infestations on your property. They can help you identify the specific bird species causing the problem and recommend the most effective control methods for your situation. They can also ensure that bird control measures are implemented safely and in accordance with local regulations.

Preventing Future Bird Infestations

a. Regular Property Maintenance

One of the best ways to prevent future bird infestations is by maintaining your property regularly. This includes:

Cleaning gutters and downspouts to remove nesting materials and debris

Sealing any holes or gaps in your property’s exterior to prevent birds from entering and nesting

Trimming trees and shrubs near your property to reduce potential nesting sites

b. Bird Exclusion Techniques

Bird exclusion techniques can help prevent birds from accessing specific areas of your property. Some effective exclusion methods include:

Installing bird netting or mesh over vents, eaves, and other openings

Using bird spikes or other deterrents on ledges and rooftops

Sealing any gaps or openings in your property’s exterior

c. Natural Bird Repellents

There are several natural bird repellents that can help deter birds from your property without causing harm to the birds or the environment. These include:

Planting bird-repelling plants, such as marigolds or lavender

Using natural essential oils, such as peppermint or eucalyptus, as a bird repellent spray

Installing birdhouses or feeders away from your property to provide an alternative nesting site


Effectively controlling bird populations on your property is essential for maintaining a safe and sanitary environment. By implementing a combination of bird control methods, seeking professional assistance when necessary, and taking steps to prevent future infestations, you can protect your property from the damage and health risks associated with bird infestations. Remember that each property is unique, and consulting with a bird control expert can help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Joel Borthwi

Joel Borthwick is basically from Australia but is keen to explore everything under the sun. He is a part-time blogger, well acclaimed for his blogs on topics like - home improvement, business, lifestyle, health, travel and fashion. He aims to solve day-to-day problems of people through his blogs.

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